21 January 2008


"...Stop! The love you save may be your own...you're headed for a danger zone."
--Jackson 5

I killed my microwave. Not literally, of course. But using it was killing me...LITERALLY. And while I am no doctor (biology was the least of my favorite subjects in school), and I do not have all of the facts--YET, this is a move that so far, seems to be right and justified. From what a few of my friends have told me (one of whom is a strict vegan and "knows about these things,") microwaving food alters it to the point where the foods' natural ability to nourish and help our bodies fight infection or disease is seriously diminished and often eliminated. What is ultimately leftover is not something we would willingly touch let alone ingest. I'm going to stop here, because again--I do not have all of the facts, but I am working on it.

The past twelve days have been tough. I love my food piping hot. A microwave always guaranteed me that. I'm in unfamiliar territory; at almost 40, I really just cannot recall what life was like before we "nuked" food. While not using a microwave really tests my patience, at least I have an excuse to go and shop for some stoneware/oven safe dishes.

Currently Listening To: "Danger" and "Vagabound"by Amir Sulaiman, "Scar Tissue" by Shanelle Gabriel, "Jesus Children of America," by Stevie Wonder
Currently Reading: The Fortunate Son by Walter Mosley


persistence said...

I know, right? And, unprofessional...uh sorry, that was my vent after experiencing these "new" cashiers and sales people in the stores yesterday. I think Junior Achievement needs to be reinstated...teach folks not just how to get a job, but how to have and keep one....anyway...I digress...

persistence said...

Hmmm...can't quite understand this need for a microwave. Didn't have one for a very long time, and now that microwave popcorn is not safe anymore, I'm thinking.."what's the point?" Me, when I was in the market for a new home, I didn't even think about buying a house that could not accomodate a gas stove. I wanna see some fire under my food. And, there's nothing like the smell of baked sweet potatoes coming from the oven. I still do use the microwave for heating up stuff, but no need for it to be 'piping hot'...two, three minutes tops...WELCOME BACK TO THE BLOG, GIRL!