13 January 2008


"It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you
Without a strong rhyme to step to
Think of how many weak shows you slept through
Time's up, I'm sorry I kept you..."
Eric B & Rakim

After a little vacation and a necessary yet painful, emotionally long reality check, the State of Zora is back. And since I love lists, here are the highlights of what happened over the past 11, 904 hours (or 496 days):

1. The Pur$uit of Happine$$: It became crystal freaking clear to me that for damn sure, money ain't everything and it matters even less if you value the all mighty dollar more than your self worth.

2. Got My Feelings Hurt Quite A Few Times: Oh yes, it's true that, "Love don't love you and love don't care." Shit, sometimes love straight up hates your guts.

3. (I) "Went There:" Knowing that your family needs you and that you, too, in fact, need your family ain't always enough. Sometimes, as Janie tells Phoebe in "Their Eyes Are Watching God," one has to "go there" to really know--and to believe.

More later, including a new blog site detailing the adventures of a former soldier with a new perspective on "what's really going on."

Currently Reading: "The Fortunate Son" by Walter Mosley
Currently Listening To: Optimistic by Sounds of Blackness

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