14 January 2008


Once again, we as a people are late; late, late and more late!
--Vaughn "Dap" Dunlap
School Daze

The revolution was televised. Some of us missed it because you were laaaaaaaatttttte! Proof of your tardiness was my recent experience at a popular spot in Atlanta last night which will remain nameless, because the name is the besides the point. The open mic spoken word poetry show started one hour and 40 minutes late. That is 100 minutes; 600 seconds of my valuable time.

No there wasn't anyone holding a gun to my head; I could have left--should have left. Maybe demanded my money back and actually gotten it. HOWEVER, I had been waiting almost a year to witness this weekly presentation of creative word stylings and knowledge being broken down. And my soul was, in fact, filled. But the message was tainted and I had to leave after only hearing five offerings; usually get to hear at least seven and I needed a lot more this time (been going through some stuff, y'all).

We have stop to got to stop this late bullshit. Your word is your bond. If we cannot be at the appointed place at the appointed time, ready and on point, how can we expect to be taken seriously in the fight for freedom and equality?

Currently Listening To: "Past Time Paradise" by Stevie Wonder
Currently Reading: Not a doggone thing!

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