05 May 2008

(The Natural Actions of the Complacent and Confused)

Those who are my skin folk ain't necessarily my kin folk.
--Zora Neale Hurston (1938-1960)

The comment was simple, but simply not acceptable.

Recently discussing the Sean Bell murder case with an African American who did not know the deal. Sean, a brother in NY was shot 50 times by NYPD in the early morning hours in November 2006. He was leaving his bachelor party and due to be married 12 hours later. The three police officers in the case were charged, but alas found not guilty.

While talking about the shock waves the verdict is causing in the black community, this "brother (and I use that term lightly)", suggested that Al Sharpton and the rest of us who are outraged, "need to leave that alone." By "that,"he meant protesting the verdict. I threw my head back, yet said nothing as I looked at this 'bama (he is indeed from heart of Dixie; bomingham, no less).

What he fails to understand is that by keeping quiet during times of injustice, we are saying it is okay--it is okay to drag that man behind a truck until he is dead. It is okay to charge more interest for loans in the 'hood. It is okay to give stiffer penalties for non-white collar crimes. It's okay...


Currently Reading: The Message--100 Life Lessons From Hip-Hop's Greatest Songs by Felicia Pride
Currently Listing To: All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix

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